Having a website such as a blog or a buying and selling website will never be free from what is called website optimization, this is because the growth of the digital world which also includes the birth of new websites and blogs is also increasing, making developers or SEO experts also have to optimize the website better, structured and scheduled, with the increasing number of businesses that have switched to online media, having a website that is always well optimized is a key to being able to compete with many other websites.
The importance of periodic website optimization
Optimizing a website can be very complex, and not only provides an experience of website access speed and an attractive appearance, but also provides several comprehensive and technical aspects and creative ways to ensure that your website runs and functions in all parts that can be accessed by users. That way, besides improving the experience of your website visitors, it is also useful for providing visibility in search engines like Google. Discussing popular and interesting websites, slot online have become favorite keywords lately because this keyword has a number of searches with a large volume, many website owners or writers are also competing to optimize articles using this keyword, always updating the latest keywords is also very useful when creating content or editing content, so you will not experience a decrease in daily or monthly visitors. Some important aspects to keep in mind before optimizing a website include:
1. Page speed
Website page speed is something that is very important for a website to have and is always optimized routinely, many studies and SEO experts assume that users tend to leave or switch to another website if the website has a slow page when opened, having a website with slow page loading is very detrimental to website owners because it can eliminate a number of active users, besides that in the eyes of search engines you will lose your ranking drastically if not handled immediately, because search engines like Google also issue warnings that one aspect of a website being on the first page is a stable website speed,
2. Use of keywords
Another important aspect is the use of keywords that have the highest volume, although it is difficult to compete in high keywords, this is a foundation of a search engine like Google, the correct use of keywords in their application in articles is not to appear excessively in paragraphs or the entire article, but only 3-5, besides that you can also use long tail keywords to get around the use of short keywords, so that your article remains quality and does not contain sponsored articles.
3. Responsive website design
The definition of a website with responsive page loading is how the website can be accessed quickly and easily on various devices, one of which is a device that people often use is a smartphone, how your website supports a responsive theme for use on mobile or smartphones, in addition, navigation and other features must also be findable and easy to use. Website optimization that is focused on monitoring website responsiveness must always be considered because most visitors usually access articles via smartphones and mobile applications.
4. Content quality
Having a website advantage with content quality that is always considered will always have many website visitors, quality content certainly has informative, relevant content and is updated if it is needed to be updated, this method will certainly make website visitors always Return to your page every day, if this has been implemented on your website, of course the SEO score and bounce rate will be very low, don’t forget when you are going to create content, make sure you put together articles well so that it gives a positive impression to your readers.
5. User Experience or UX
The last website optimization is to always pay attention to the User experience for users, this includes the placement of a navigation button or feature that is often searched for by users, and also this feature or navigation button must be visible and easy to reach by users, so that the overall content presentation is maximized and the information that appears is also clear.